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Newsletter for the month of June


Dear Brethren, Ladies & Friends Of Golden Rule Lodge:

Our two Wardens have put together some Great articles, so I will keep mine brief.

At the May Stated Meeting the Brothers heard a wonderful presentation by Wors George on “The Mystic Tie.” It was truly inspiring and uplifting! Thank you again, Wors George!

On May 11 we had our FIRST EVER Lodge Bowling Night, attended by 20 Brothers and families. It was a wonderful and fun night. Special thanks to Bro Tony Sherwood for setting it up!

May 18 was PUBLIC SCHOOLS NIGHT. The 3 winners in our “Why I Want to Go to College” Essay Contest read their essays, preceded by a dinner for the students, family and faculty from Edenvale School. The depth of their essays was magnificent! Everyone there was impressed that 6th graders could write with such prose. Thanks to all the Brothers and families who attended.

On June 8 we will be celebrating Bro WALTER GADSBY’S 50 Years in Masonry by bestowing upon him the Golden Veteran’s Award! Our Inspector will be here to present the award. This will be a Special Evening and Dinner and one you don’t want to miss! Make reservations NOW!

On June 15 we will be Initiating Mr. Tony Daniel into the First Degree of Masonry. The Officers have been honing their Ritual for this special night and we hope ALL Brothers will attend and support Mr. Daniel as he seeks for the Light.

Lastly – our Annual Lodge Picnic is Sunday, June 14. We were again able to reserve the Peppertree area, where we have had so many great picnics in the past. More details next month, but mark your calendars NOW and plan on a GREAT DAY!!

Special Note: On Sat, June 6, the Scottish Rite is hosting a Family Movie Night. Admission is FREE to all, and begins with hot dogs, popcorn & more at 6:30, followed by the movie “Mary Poppins.” Call me for details and reservations.


Hank Vlcek



Dear Brethren, Ladies, and Friends of Golden Rule Lodge No. 479,

This year’s public schools night was a great success!! On Monday May 18th we held our annual Public Schools Night as part of Edenvale Elementary School’s Adopt-A-College program.

Golden Rule sponsored an essay contest in which the 6th grade students wrote about why they think a college education is important. These essays were judged by our officers and we awarded the best four essays with a certificate and money to help them prepare for their futures.

The following article was published by the Grand Lodge of Free & Accepted Masons of the State of California which summarizes Masonry’s long and wonderful relationship with Public Schools:

Throughout human history, knowledge has been a source of power. For thousands of years, education had been reserved for the elite of society, for those wishing to exercise power over others. Those with power, fearful of their own status, sought to deny the common man of an education and to control what he thought. Many people suffered brutal punishments for simply discussing democracy, suggesting that the Earth is not at the center of the Universe, or preferring Aristotle over Plato.

During this same time, we saw the continual struggle of the common man for higher understanding about himself and the world around him; to raise the yoke of tyranny off of his shoulders, to break the chains of serfdom from around his feet, and to stand tall as an equal among all others.

Today, the benefits of education are clear. It empowers the individual -- economically, intellectually, and as a citizen.

To avoid the tyrannies of the past, to afford every individual the opportunity to realize her or his full potential, education must be available to all without regard to race, ethnicity, religion, gender, wealth, or social class. Free public schools do just that. For this reason, Freemasons support free public schools.

And early in our country’s history, the active support and lobbying for the creation of free public schools was Freemasonry’s gift to America and the free Public Schools are America's gift to the World.

We wish the essay winners all the best!!


Robert Ahrens, PM


Brethren and Friends,

“What can I get from Masonic education?” should be the question on the tip of every Brother’s tongue. The instruction and learning about Masonic principles and what a Mason should expect of himself develops and progresses through the 1st, 2nd and 3rd degrees. But it doesn’t stop there. After each degree the candidate hears a lecture and then prepares his interpretation of what the lessons meant to him. This learning continues well after the 3rd degree has finished for each member by him seeking out whatever lessons he needs to continue to improve himself in Masonry.

“Masonry takes a good man and makes him better.”

Lodge instruction Self Paced Learning

Grand Lodge online resources Masonic Publications

Mentoring by other Masons

Advice, Counseling and Guidance from a Brother.

Explore the topics that are relevant to you and your family and your lodge and how you relate to the community that you live in.

Is your family well provided for? Ask a Brother what this means or how they have done this for themselves if you are unsure.

What aid or assistance is expected of a Mason to relieve a Brother in distress or his widow and orphans?

What standards of behaviour are expected of a Mason in lodge or when outside at large in the community?

And so on, and so on….

Each Mason has a duty to himself and those around him to continue his education to improve himself make him better fit to take on the tasks and duties of a true and upright Mason. I welcome the challenge and the opportunity this presents. I was very fortunate to attend the Masters and warden’s retreat last weekend and it was inspiring to associate with so many Masons that I had never met before and to discover the common bonds and support that unite all Masons.

Join us in the lodge, at the social gatherings or at the dinners before the Stated Meetings and ask your Brothers what they have learned through Masonry and explore what lessons are waiting from the instructive tongue of a Brother that you are now ready to hear and learn for yourself.


Upcoming Golden Rule Lodge #479 events: Mark your calendars & get your reservations in.

  • Monday June 1st 6:30 Dinner SIGN UP $10. BBQ 7:30 Stated Meeting with Masonic Education.

  • Monday June 8th. 6:30 PM Special Dinner SIGN UP $10.

  • 7:30 PM Presentation to Brother Walter Gadsby 50 Year “Golden Veteran Award”. A celebration for all the family. Let’s all turn out and give Brother Walter great support and recognition for this wonderful achievement.

  • Sunday June 14th. Picnic for all the Family at Vasona Park. Meet at our usual Peppertree picnic area. SIGN UP $10 for all except Children 12 and under FREE. Park Entrance FEE $6 per car. The Lodge provides Tri-Tip BBQ’d, Hot Dogs and refreshments. Please bring a potluck side dish - salad, veggie, or dessert, etc, to serve 6-8 people. 10:00 AM – In Gathering. 12:00 - Lunch. 1:30 PM - Games. Head for Home ~3:00 PM Feel free to bring your own meat, fish etc to throw on the hot coals. Volunteers are needed for setup, cooking, events, clean-up. Email or call me.

John Cahill,

Junior Warden


"Finish every day and be done with it. You have done what you could; Some blunders and absurdities crept in; Forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; You shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense."

-Ralph Waldo Emerson, writer and philosopher (1803-1882)

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