Esteemed Past Masters, Brethren, and cherished family members, Following the challenges of a harsh winter, the arrival of March symbolizes a new dawn for me. March heralds the onset of Spring, bringing with it the fragrant scent of blossoming garden flowers and the promise of new beginnings. Despite the trials of the past season, March instills a sense of optimism and renewal. You may wonder, what does this have to do with Freemasonry?
In the face of life's adversities, Freemasonry offers us the tools necessary to transform difficulties into opportunities for growth and positivity. During personal hardships, I find solace in the unwavering support of my brethren, who stand ready to assist me in navigating challenging times. For this I am truly grateful.
Masonry, as an organization, is currently facing challenges such as low attendance at scheduled meetings, degrees, and events within our Masonic youth orders. In today's fast-paced world, where time is a precious commodity, the 24-inch gauge serves as a valuable tool, enabling us to allocate our time effectively. Leveraging these Masonic principles offers us the opportunity to rejuvenate Masonry for subsequent generations.
During the previous master's and warden's retreat, the imperative of supporting our Masonic youth orders was discussed. Golden Rule Lodge #479 has taken the initiative to provide assistance to our Masonic youth orders and demonstrate unwavering support for the Edenvale Elementary School scholarship program. This support will be manifested through a fund raising event organized by our First Spouse, Greggy Feast, themed "Night on the Bayou." Attendees can expect an evening filled with delectable creole cuisine, captivating entertainment, and a silent auction. The event is scheduled for March 23, 2024, from 4 pm to 9 pm at 2500 Masonic Drive, with admission priced at $40.00 (refer to the attached flyer for details).
As we embark on this new Masonic year, let us unite and collaborate to ensure the flourishing of Masonry into the fabulous organization it is destined to become.
Friendly Reminders:
Columbia is September 13-15, The theme is "Hollywood Western Wear" You can start making your reservations to Aladdin Inn by calling directly to (209) 533-4971 this will guarantee your room rates.
Upcoming Events, looking two months ahead:
-Saturday, March 23, 2024- First Spouse, Greggy Feast is hosting "The Night on Bayou Fundraiser'' at the San Jose Masonic Center 2500 Masonic Drive from 4:00pm- 9:00pm. Creole Food, Silent Auction, plus fun surprises. All Proceeds are going to Edenvale Elementary School Scholarship Fund, and all three Masonic Youth Orders.
-Saturday, April 6, 2024, 4:00pm Family movie and pizza night! San Jose Scottish Rite Membership Lounge
-Monday, April 15, 2024, 6:30pm Golden Rule Lodge agape dinner, with the four lodges on the hill. (Black Suit/Tuxedo)
-Monday, May 13, 2024, 6:00pm Golden Rose Gala San Jose Masonic Center (Coat and Tie)