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We want to get you more involved in the process of running this lodge. There are a number of ways you can get involved. Here is a list of committees for which we need help:

  • Cooking Committee: Help cook at Stated Meetings, degrees, and special events

  • Masonic Education Committee: Help provide masonic education at Stated Meetings and through online seminars!

  • Welcoming Committee: Help mentor new prospects before they become members

  • Phone Tree Committee: Help notify brothers about important events and news

  • Events Committee: Help organize our family and fundraising events

  • THE BIG 100 (+3): Help us plan and put on our 100th Anniversary Party!

The invite is not just limited to the brothers. We want our spouses, significant others, and family members to be involved as well -- particularly in helping us plan fun events!

Golden Rule's greatest strength is in all of you. If you or your family members have time and desire to help the lodge in any of the above ways (or any other way), please reach out to our Master Chris Mays at

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