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From the East: April 2023

Dear Brothers and Families:

The last few months have truly taught us the value of "Brotherly Love" and tested the bonds of our lodge. Between Worshipful Max losing Ms. Barbara, Kaleo's health issues, Worshipful Eddie losing his mother-in-law, and Dick Uhler's memorial, the brothers of Golden Rule have shown over and over how supportive we are of one another and what it truly means to be a Mason. I am so proud of you all and so blessed to have the opportunity to be a steward of this lodge.

The last couple months have also been a stressful and trying time for me personally. As many of you know, I have had to travel extensively over the last two months for work, which forced me to be out of state for almost the entire month of March. Yet again, however the Brothers and Officers of our lodge stepped up and demonstrated what a strong and vibrant lodge we are -- the Officers successfully completed the first of their three degree proficiencies at the end of March, and are well on track to complete all proficiencies before our annual Columbia retreat as is our custom.

Speaking of the officers, we have some interesting things planned for ritual this year. Tonight, we will be having our first initiation of the year as we welcome Jorel Abalos into the lodge. The officers have planned not only a chamber of reflection for soon-to-be Brother Abalos. However, we have also decided to institute a long form closing as well as the Walkabout Ritual to make the evening more impactful and special for Jorel. We're hoping that this will be the first of many successful initiations featuring these enhancements.

We also have the Golden Rose Gala and the Edenvale Pancake Breakfast coming up this month. Please check the website for details ( and to RSVP.

Fraternally yours,

Christopher Mays


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