Dear Brothers:
Summer is finally here, and we have a lot planned! This Summer we will be filling our calendar with some great events!
This coming Sunday (June 4) is our Annual Picnic (details / RSVP here). We will have our traditional spot at the Peppertree picnic area of Lake Vasona County Park.
Also, our annual retreat in September is fast approaching. If you have not already RSVP'd for your hotel room, please do it ASAP!
We also have several candidates in the pipeline -- I expect this summer we will have multiple degrees, including a few first, second, and even a third degree before Columbia! Our lodge continues to flourish and it's a testament to a great group of guys.
Finally, a reminder that nominations for the 2023 Hiram Award award open. If you know a worthy brother deserving of this award, please email me privately at cmays@grl479.org. Please get your nominations in ASAP -- I will be announcing the recipient at the July Stated Meeting.
Wishing all the best summer for you all.
Chris Mays